Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Avatar: 3D movie, 1D characters

I went to see the new Avatar movie in 3D because of all the hype. My friend was all "No, I want to only see it in imax", I hate the word "imax" so I saw it in regular max. I was super excited and love 3D movies, went with my friends, got good seats...etc. The visuals were very cool like everyone is saying but the predictable plot and 1 Dimensional characters with no personality made it impossible to sit through, especially because it was 3 hours! People impressed with the movie are blinded by the special effects and don't care so much about plot and characters but after 1.5 hours of sitting bored out of my mind the effects don't count for much. The idea of the movie was stolen right out of The Matrix , where people go into another "Superbody" where they can do whatever they want and the guy has to pass a buncha tests in this body like Neo in the Matrix. Im starting to think they would have been better off spending that money improving the Matrix instead of this historically tragic movie. The story was so lame, a child could easily figure out the ending and every preceding event up to it from the first 5 minutes in. If they just wanted to make a effects movie they should have made it into a screensaver instead of a 3 hour shitfest. While they may have the technology for visual effects, they still don't have the technology to write a script with any substance.

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